Lorraine "The Chinese Lady" Witte

I was born in Hawaii to Chinese immigrants and I first became aware of my multicultural heritage through food. My father showed me how to cook with his hands over mine, and the process of preparing food became part of my identity.

After a lifetime of eating and over fifty years of cooking instruction, consultation and owning a gourmet food line, I realized there were two projects I needed to pursue: a cookbook to showcase The Wonders of Wonton and a memoir of my life, A Pot of Rice.

To me, food is a form of meditation, as well as a way to share a great sense of satisfaction with others. As my father loved showing me how to cook, I now share this ongoing passion with you.


Contact The Chinese Lady

You can also contact Lorraine directly at 415-885-2088 or via email at thechineselady@lorrainewitte.com

Website and content designed by Josimar King.